Oahu Fresh has partnered with Go Ramble, Oahu’s premier grocery delivery service company. We realize that your weekly Oahu Fresh bag may not contain all the food items your family needs for the week. Now as an Oahu Fresh member, you can supplement your bag with items from Whole Foods, Foodland, and Down to Earth!
How it Works
You may add the Grocery Delivery service to your order just like you do for any other specialty item. The order needs to be placed by the Friday before your upcoming delivery. We place a temporary hold on your credit card for $200, however you will not be charged until the actual cost of your delivery has been determined.
You will then receive an email from a Go Ramble representative asking you to fill out a form listing the items you want added to your delivery. All adjustments to your order must be completed by Tuesday morning. This allows you time to see what will be in your Oahu Fresh bag so that you can adjust your order as needed. Your groceries will then be delivered with your Oahu Fresh bag, saving you another trip to the store!
You will be charged the cost of the groceries plus an additional 20% and there is a minimum $75 order requirement. This is a special offer for Oahu Fresh members instead of the normal 30%-40% service fee.
Order Now
If you are already an Oahu Fresh member, click here to add to your next order. If you are not yet a member, click here to subscribe and you can then add grocery delivery to your order at checkout.
If you have any questions, send us an email or give us a call at 808-221-0921.