Our mission is to make it easy to get great local food by rebuilding the connection between Honolulu and surrounding farms and farmers` markets. From growing the supply of food from small farms, to our business and delivery operations, we are committed to bringing you the freshest food in the most sustainable way.
Fresh Healthy Food
Food grown locally is picked at its peak of flavor because it can get to you quickly, unlike food that is shipped long distances and picked early for long shelf life. Not only is local food fresher and great tasting but its ripeness means it is packed with more vitamins and minerals for your good health. Being in tune with the land by eating local seasonal fare provides needed diversity in our diet and comfort from warming and cooling foods that match the seasons.
Support of Independent Farmers
When we buy local food, we are participating in the local economy and supporting the livelihoods of farm families and their local workers. They then support other local businesses creating a multiplier effect for rebuilding the local rural economy.
A Better Environment
At O`ahu Fresh, we provide the greatest choice and abundance of local food as part of our goal for a better environment. By delivering our products to your door, we hope to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from grocery shopping car traffic, saving 40-60 car trips each week. We will consolidate truck trips of food getting to the farmers` markets from multiple farmers and use minimal packing and reusable bags when filling your orders of fresh food. In addition, keeping viable productive land in agriculture reduces impervious surfaces, conserves green space and increases biological diversity, and helps re-charge aquifers which supply our fresh water.
Food Security
When you buy your food from local farms, you know exactly where your food came from, the farmers that handled it and how it was raised. On our website we will introduce you to the local farmers supplying the food in your order. Please take the time to speak with them when you are at the market.